Look to the Hills

When author Mary Jean Bonar was directed by the Holy Spirit to “go write your book,” she excitedly did so. She realized in that moment that the dream she had of writing a novel was not hers after all, but was now clearly defined as part of God’s plan for her life.

Without hesitation, she positioned her novel into a quaint old-fashioned village with cobblestone sidewalks, surrounded by beautiful green hills where “life hasn’t changed much and there is little desire for change to come.” Mary Jean delights in acquainting her readers with the residents of West Hope, their friendships with one another and the little church upon the hill that has called them to worship and fellowship together from their youth to old age. You will not likely find the village of West Hope on any map, but as you read about the little village you will find yourself gently welcomed in. You may shop at the General Store, be invited to sit a while on a porch, and maybe sing an old hymn, long forgotten.

The author began her story with the book, Look to the Hills some years ago which continues with two other books to complete a trilogy. The story of West Hope which was originally fiction slants into one based upon a reality that Mary Jean could never have found for herself. Thanks to the Lord, she and a group of elderly women astonishingly discovered talents they had not known and found ways of expressing themselves beyond imagination. The story had to be told, and is told, with privilege and indulgence by the novelist.

Blessed Abundantly

In Blessed Abundantly, Janine Stephens and her husband become acquainted with interesting neighbors and feel greatly blessed to be led by the Lord to a church home that more than satisfies their hopes and dreams. The reader will join the Stephens family as they welcome French student Claire to be a part of their lives for a while; all will see the Fourth of July fireworks in Pittsburgh, and the family will return to days gone by as they attend a fall festival in the little town of West Hope. Janine and the ladies of West Hope are brought together by a Higher Power to find more blessings than any of them would have thought possible. The reader will see clearly the Lord’s hand in the development of each new day as spirits are lifted and joy abounds as the ladies enter a new phase of life that changes everything.

Go Forth!: The Band Plays On

Go Forth! The Band Plays On is the third book of the West Hope Trilogy and completes the work of the author on this story. Mary Jean began this story of West Hope in a novel published as Overflowing with Hope. That book contained two/thirds of the present Trilogy. When the author later completed the story, another entire book had blossomed forth. With this, she decided to produce the entire work from the start of Overflowing with Hope through the third book complete as a trilogy.

From beginning to end these books demonstrate clearly that God has a plan for the lives of His people. Sometimes we stop long enough to listen and learn of those plans, put them to work in His Name, and find overflowing rewards. The individuals in this trilogy have done just that, and their lives are changed dramatically for the good. Come along and follow the steps of the characters who are not bigger than life but live lives with great rewards.